Sunday, December 9, 2007

I'm a Weirdo Werewolf...

Did many of those personality quizzes. Apparently, if I'm a monster, I'll be a werewolf. Scaaaary....

You Are a Werewolf

You're unpredictable, moody, and downright freaky.
You seem sweet and harmless, until you snap. Then you're a total monster.
Very few people can predict if you're going to be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.
But for you, all your transformations seem perfectly natural.

Your greatest power: Your ability to tap into nature

Your greatest weakness: Lack of self control

You play well with: Vampires

Here's another one.
You Are 52% Weirdo

You're definitely quite strange, but you can act like a normal person when you have to.(But just because you can act normally, it certainly doesn't mean you want to!)You have normal aspects to your personality... but you usually don't choose to emphasize them.

Are You A Weirdo?

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