Monday, May 29, 2006

Ayra at home

Here are some photographs of Ayra and her antics at home. That's her on the computer. She's able to type the alpahabet out but she can't write it out yet. And that's her playing dress up. She enjoys doing so.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Out with the family

I went to Marina Square on Sunday with my parents, the kids, my sis and her husband, Steven. The place is much improved. It looks really good now. Anyway, we had lunch at Swenson's. It was nice and the waitress kept Fuddin entertained with balloons. Anyway, sis is expecting her first child! How exciting! My parents will soon have 7 grandchildren! I do wish her the best of health throughout her pregnancy.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Fuddin turns 1!

He're our little get together. Fuddin didn't seem too excited (he was still a bit unwell) and Ayra was given the task of blowing out the solitary candle. Anyway, I'm already planning next year's birthday bash. It'll be grander and he'll be happier hopefully. Ayra's been fiddling with Fuddin's gifts and Fuddin doesn't appreciate it. Haha! He's been screaming and pulling her shirt everytime she attempts to play with them. I dare not imagine how the situation will be next year.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ibu & Friends

I went to the beach last week with my colleagues - not to sunbathe, but to accompany the students who had to pick up litter there as part of their Community Involvement Programme. We were hot, hungry, thirsty and were food for the mosquitoes but we still managed a smile when it was time to pose for the camera. To top it all off, the bus that was scheduled to ferry us back to school was 45 minutes late! Such luck! Anyway, you never would have guessed looking at the pictures here, can you?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

A weekend in Malacca

An and I brought Ayra to Malacca for the weekend to attend our nephew, Izal's, wedding. It was fun but tiring. Fuddin had to stay home with Atok and Nenek as he was not feeling well. I don't think he fancies being left behind though. We're all going to Langkawi at the end of the year. I'm definitely looking forward to that.

Anyway today is Fuddin's 1st birthday. Happy Birthday, Darling!!!! He's still recovering from a bout of bronchiolitis. Poor boy. Still, we're having a liitle get together tomorrow evening; nothing fancy but we will have the customary cake cutting. I'm not too sure what to get him though. He only likes balls and he already has like a dozen of those. An says we should get a musical keyboard for him. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, here are some photographs we took in Malacca.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Day at the zoo

Here's us at the zoo. The weather wasn't very hot but it was humid. Poor Fuddin was perspiring profusely. He didn't seem to be enjoying himself much. Maybe we'll bring him back when he turns 2. This was Ayra's 3rd visit to the zoo. She always enjoys her visits there although it tires her out completely. I'm thinking of signing us up as "Friends of the Zoo."

Anyway, here's another pic of them playing together. It's one of those rare times they're actually playing peacefully.

Anyway, we celebrated Mother's Day at my place yesterday. I bought Mum a cake. She seemed happy. Anyway, A belated Happy Mother's Day to myself.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ibu has finally succumbed to pressure from Aunty Nat to start a blog!

I've never been an IT savvy person but after some thought, I decided this is a good way to preserve the memories. I don't think i'll be very consistent in my entries but I hope to cover the basics.

So how do I start? Well, here's a pic of me, hubby, Ayra and Fuddin. It was Hari Raya Aidilfitri, 2005. That's our new place in the background. We moved from Jurong to Yew Tee.

Me and hubby celebrate our 7th year of marriage this November. It's been quite a trip, not totally smooth sailing but never short of love.

My mum and dad live with us. They take care of the kids when me and hubby are at work. They are constantly tired and sleep deprived, but essentially happy.

That's the most recent pic I have of Fuddin. Isn't he a cutie pie? He's so chubby. Nowadays, he can be pretty demanding too. We're all looking forward to his first steps. Till then, he gets himself around using his walker or crawling on his tummy. He's going to be one on 25th May. Sometimes, I marvel at how fast time flies. It's almost been a year since he came to the world.

Fuddin started off as a really grumpy baby but he's (almost) all smiles now. His interests include balls, Hi-5, ice cream, playing hide and seek and being thrown in the air (and getting caught of course). He hates being ignored (when he wants to be carried) and being left at home with Atok and Nenek when Ibu, Abah and Kakak goes out.

That's Ayra. We celebrated her 3rd birthday. She had lots of fun. She's attending playschool at Apple Tree now. She's talking a lot now(sometimes too much) but she's really adorable most of the time. She's trying hard to get along with her little brother so let's hope there won't be any wrestling matches lined up in the future.

Ayra's interests includes Barney, Sesame street, chocolates, gummies, singing nursery rhymes and being read to every night. Currently, she's looking forward to the Sesame Street concert we're going to in June. Her pet peeves include her brother playing with her toys, taking medicine and going to the doctor or dentist.