Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A New Beginning... No?

Yeah.  It feels like it.  It's been such a long time since I last blogged.  My writing skills have gone to waste.  I think Facebook has a lot to do with it.  I've become an expert at coming up with controversial, eye catching one liners; at the expense of really writing.  So, I've done the unexpected.  I'm giving up Facebook for real.  I forsee withdrawal symptom (Uh-huh) but I'm a tough cookie.  I mean, do you REALLY think I have more than 900 real friends?  If you ask me to narrow the list, I think only 50 or so will make the final cut.  So there.  I will close this chapter and embrace the new (or is it old?) me who looks forward to putting my thoughts and opinions down in proper paragraphs!  I will ELABORATE on whatever I want to talk about and I will use GRAMATICALLY CORRECT English, and not acronyms like rofl, lol, wtf :).  I will also not shorten the spelling of my words like I did in Facebook.  I will also not succumb to Singlish.  I will however, not give up on some of my favorite not-so-polite words which I will not elaborate on here.  I mean, yes I'm an English teacher at a prestigious independent school in Singapore but HELL, I'm also human.  It's bad enough I can't be myself in class, I reckon I sure as hell have the right to be so here. 

But wait, then there's my daughter.  Her well-meaning Aunt Caroline gave me the idea that she should start her own blog.  I mean, she's always looking for something to do and periodically will sigh and lament at how bored she is.  While I love Ayra to death, I am not a 7-Eleven.  I can only entertain her for so long (I'm TIRED!) so Aunt Caroline told me that a blog will keep her busy.  Well, so far the idea has taken off.  She's written 2 short posts and I've even taught her how to take photos with my (now hers) digicam and upload them on the computer and later onto her blog.  Next, I'm going to teach her how to embed videos....but I digress.  The point I'm trying to make is that her blog is linked to mine so I feel the need to censor myself.  I mean, I have to set a good example, no?  On the other hand, I also feel a need to be frank.  So I've decided that I will tone down on my "colorful" vocabulary and if I need to do so, I will write so eloquently and include such bombastic vocabulary that the intended subject will miss it? Wink Wink. 

Also, I've decided to blog by topics.  Before, I used to blog on events but I think that won't work now.  I'll end up with a blog without "heart".  I suppose I've progressed beyond the "my kids are so adorable that I want to cover every aspect of their life" phase (which some parents never do).  These parents end up losing their PERSONALITY and become lifelong personal reporters of their kids.  Now, this doesn't mean that I won't feature my heavyweight Fuddin and my frail Ayra. They are and will always be the loves of my life so it's natural for me to want to write about them.  Nevertheless, I refuse to strip myself of my personality.  This is MY blog and it will reflect me; mood swings and all.  Don't be surprised if and when I turn scizophrenic on you.  I mean, like I can be the responsible educator and parent in one post (indeed) and the nastiest B----H (Uh-huh) the next.

So that's it.  I now proclaim to the world (or the few souls who are actually interested to read what I write) that I am committed to making this blog come ALIVE!  I will w-r-r-r-r-i-t-e-e-e-e (said with much exaggeration)!

Reality check.  It's 8 am and my 10 hour workday has just started.  Till we meet again (SOON!), I will bid you a sweet adieu.

"It's great that I can finally rest my head on something real...I like the way it feels..."

1 comment:

  1. if u use wordpress, u can rant and rave all u want and still link ayra. cant wait for u to move!
