Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And She Turns 8...

Ayra's birthday this year was quite different from previous years.  We decided to do away with the party this year and opted for a quiet celebration instead.  We also thought we would be able to save some money as well but we were wrong. In our attempt to compensate her for the absence of a party, we overdid it on gifts and stuff that the amount we spend was equivalent to that of actually having a party (serves us right) but that my friends, is irrelevant.  What matters most is that my girl is happy and knows that March 12 is indeed a special day as that's the anniversary of her entering our lives and giving it so much more meaning and joy.

So was she happy?  Well, she liked the presents and the cake and didn't even mind that the cake didn't come with a candle (it went missing, thanks to me).  She also enjoyed dinner (chicken rice!) and the trip to the Night Safari (Me and Roshan were pretty dissapointed though coz we were expecting more) so I guess our objective was met.

Here are a few videos/ photos to give you an idea of how her birthday went.

Here's the adorable little Ryan passing his gifts to his beloved "Kakak".  Such a sweet gesture.

Yup, that pretty much sums up Ayra's birthday.  Next year, we'll have the whole over the top celebrations again. 
And where was our Fuddin amidst all this?

Uhuh.  Busy with his IPad.

He's sick now so he's rather grumpy and not very good company so I'm refraining from taking his photo.  Will post about the litlle munchkin soon.  For now, back to work!

1 comment:

  1. Ayra's Skinny Jeans rock!
    LOL @ Fuddin!!
    Why are ur videos not coming out properly again?
    Cant believe you lost the candles!
