Thursday, June 18, 2009

Father's Day

That's it! I am going to buy a new digi-cam. For months, I've been living on my camera phone (which is slow and fuzzy at times) and I've been alright till I realized I've lost the cable to connect the phone to my laptop! Urgh! So I'm going to go out and buy a camera today, charge it and pay the bill when I get my money back through my LDS claim. So there. Decision made.

Anyway, he's back. Things are good. Been spending some quality time together. He hasn't been in the pink of health though (jet lag, temperature change, etc.) so I hope he'll be alright soon. I'm glad he's home though. Life just didn't seem complete without him.

Anyway, as I was pretty free last week, I managed to meet up with some friends. First I had lunch with Danyya, my ex student who is now in Republic Poly. It was nice to catch up with her and I do wish her all the best at her new school. Then I met up with Caroline, my dear misunderstood friend. Haha! She's my kind of girl... in your face and intelligent in a cryptic kind of way. Anyway, it was good talking i.e bitching to her...just being myself and not having to be what others expect me to be. All the best know I'm here if you need a friend.

Father's Day this Sunday. Gonna get some nice food for Dad. He's a really good Daddy. When he was young, he worked a lot and I hardly saw him but now that he's living with me and helping me to take care of my kids, I have gotten to know him much better. He's a really selfless and hardworking man. He lives his simple life and tries to stay positive despite difficulties... and he never fails to help his children in any way he can. I don't say it but I Love You Daddy!

As for Ayra, I have no doubt that she adores her Dad. They have a really close father-daughter relationship but at the same time, she's pretty afraid of him (when she's been naughty). I'm pretty sure they'll stay close for life and I'm glad. As for Fuddin, his Abah is his "punching bag". I know it's An's way to make up for the absence of oral communication between them. I know that An is a great dad...well, he tries. For that, I love him and so do the kids. Happy Father's Day An.

One more week of holidays but I have to work every weekday next week except for Monday so effectively, my holidays are over! Unless the government decides to extend the holidays due to the H1N1 flu scare. Ermm..... we'll see.

Alright, gonna go off soon. Gonna bring Ayra to the dentist.

1 comment:

  1. got read my blog or not? i got new skin leh! and i dedicated a post to you!! leave comment la! and whats ur sis's blog url? would she mind if i added her? i'm trying to change my anti-social self and be an active online socialite!
