Just thought I'll post some backdated photos. Here's a really cute one...look at how intent he is on my laptop!

Here's some more pics of my little munchkin doing what he does best - just hanging around. Hehe.

And oh, here's 2 pics taken during the wedding of An's ex classmate at Bukit Merah ITE. Those others were all his classmates. They still keep in touch after so long; unlike me who needs a school reunion to catch up with friends from way back. It's not that I'm anti social. I guess it's too much effort. I don't know.

Last but not least, here's introducing the new additions to our humble family. Adam and Angel (no, the're not twins).

These two little terrapins belong to the one and only Nur Ayra. She's been pretty good with them, feeding them twice a day and changing their water (with a bit of help) everyday. I bought it for her after we read a children's encyclopedia with tortoises in it and we started talking and I ended up asking her if she wanted to get them as pets. Grandma was not pleased to say the least but Ayra's been good with them so she's learnt to accept Adam and Angel.
Hmm, what else? Oh yah!!! My dining table like totally gave way la. One of the metal screws like broke in two but the other parts of the table is still good so I brought my broken, little metal part to school where a helpful colleague helped me fix it. Bravo! I am H-A-P-P-Y! I don't have to buy a new dining table. Phew. With Aidilfitri in a month, I'm really not looking forward to anything breaking down or just collapsing/ dying on me.
I'm gonna go to Geylang. Waiting for Roshan. Gonna get the boys' Raya clothes. We really hate the crowd there during fasting month and the weather is usually uncooperative (way hot!) and when you're not allowed to drink even a drop of water, it's really not appealing. Forget "soaking" in the Raya spirit, I'd rather soak in a baththub (not that I have one by the way). You get my drift. Me and hubby have never been "joiners". I mean we're very Malay in our upbringing and stuff and we have total faith in God but we just can't bring ourselves to agree or follow some of the practices/ customs practised by our community. We don't criticize those who do. Hey, it's a free country.
Anyways, I'm gonna go off.
"I'm off to see the wizard. The wonderful Wizard of Oz." Now, that was random)
Tons of marking to do over the weekend and it all has to be done on an empty stomach. Hehe. I like!!! Hehe, welcome to my world.
PS: I love you honey. You rock my world An.
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