First I took some coins and did some practical Math with Ayra. She still has problems with counting money. I feel a need to educate her on this myself as she's going to primary one soon and I don't want her to get cheated (or cheat others). Progress is mediocre but it's still a step forward. And oh, me and An went to register Ayra at DeLa Salle School last Wed. Last I heard there were about 132 applicants for the 102 available positions for phase 2C. Hmmm, the dreaded B word. Ballot! I won't know till 11 Aug. I'm keeping my fingers, toes and whate else have you, crossed. I mean, I won't wail if she doesn't get in but yes, I will be dissapointed. I guess it's also to appease myself as I didn't manage to do any voluntary work to secure her a place there. I also didn't call up the Vice Principal, whom I attended a course with last year. Guess I just have to wait and see.
As for my precious oversized munchkin, he's a happy trooper now, especially from Weds to Fridays. He loves school. My parents have even resorted to using his school bag on non school days he refuses to leave his bed in the mornings. Once he sees his black bag pack, he will immediately get out of bed, strap the bag on and proceed towards the door.'s true! I told my mom to stop being mean and give him false hope. Doesn't he look like an eager beaver here, all set and ready to go?

Teacher June and her team are now working on getting Fuddin to eat fruits and vegetables. There's been great progress. He's now eating grapes, although not much. I'm quite clueless how to fill up the toilet training form though. It looks so daunting! Mom has decided she can't do it so I guess it has to wait till the holidays when I'll be home and can concentrate on training him. I'm bent on wanting to spend more quality time with him though. Gonna draw up a weekly activity timetable for him as well.
What else. Oh ya! My hair! My long, flowing hair is goneeeeeee. Uh huh...finally gathered my courage and did it but not before I showed the hairdresser a pic of my idol... yups...Vic herself.

But as everyone knows, no one can look as good as she does so I'm a sad comparison. Still, I try.

I've been getting mixed reactions from the students and teachers alike. Most people said it's fresh but of course, there were laments of "Sayangnya!" which basically means "Oh no!" Haha. I'm alright though. Hubby digs it though. Says it been so long since I had short hair and I look good but he's biased coz I'm his beloved. Whatever. Hair will grow. The problem now is that I have to lose 10 kgs to get Vic's body as well! Errr.... I don't think I can do that unless I starve myself to death. The fasting month is coming up though... I'll be glad if I lose 3 kgs. It's not that I eat a's all that chocolate! I'm a chocolate addict! I must exercise control. I feel like I'm expanding sideways. Chocolate is evil. Repeat after me. Chocolate is EVIL.
As for work, nothing interesting has happened. I still hate it. Haha. My drama club did perform during Assembly though and they were great all thanks to the brilliance of Ms Naz who wrote the script while battling a 40 deg Cel fever. You rock, girl! We're gonna perform a short skit for Teacher's Day as well so that's great. We also celebrated Racial Harmony Day but on a small scale this year. My wonderful 3 Amber worked together and created our very own "Cultural Tree!" Cool!

Looking forward to the long weekend but I don't know why . Hubby's working and I'll probably end up in front of my laptop again. I DON"T like!
Anyway,here's me, Ayra and An fooling around. Rather random but who cares.

Hmm, cam whoring with my new digi-cam is fun! Did you see ayra's new footwear? Cool huh?
OK, gotta go. Tons of work.
Write soon...maybe.
that was a lovely post and I LOVEEEEEEEE your new hairdo!!! So any news from open posting?