Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Steps Forward...

Third week of school. Rather mundane. Many things/ people seem to piss me off easily nowadays but I’m staying cool… keep calm, stay positive and breathe deeeeeeeply…. Yeah, it helps.

Anyway, Fuddin broke his bed. Haha. Yup, my little cutie jumped up and down on his bed and broke his 3 month old bed frame. It was bound to happen. There’s nothing much to do now but to go out and buy (note: not borrow) a brand new bed frame. Yup, it’s something I haven’t budgeted for but there is really no choice, is there? For the past two nights, Fuddin has been making himself rather comfortable on Grandma’s bed. Yup, apparently he sleeps like a log on her bed but grandma is now sleep deprived with all his kicking! Haha…ok mom. I’ll put you out of your misery soon.

The not so little culprit! He's the one on the left with

the seemingly "blur" face but he's smarter than what

he lets you think

As for my dear mommy, she has been on a “kuih” making frenzy. She’s made more traditional malay “kuihs” these past few weeks than she has over the past 10 years! Simply delicious! Unfortunately, just as quickly as her fad started, it ended. Hehe. So much for a lifetime supply of scrumptious “kuihs”.

Anyway, Ayra has a new interest. Fun fair rides!

Indeed. She’s exploring her “wilder” side and we encourage it coz she’s always been a little timid when it comes to such things. She really does enjoy doing the “daredevil stunts” which is really kinda cute. Still as you can see, she still has her “princessy” side so I shouldn’t be worried about raising a tomboy, right? Anyway, do you notice the very similar pose between mommy and daughter in the pics below? Scary. I have been cloned.

And oh…the potty. We bought Fuddin a really cool looking potty, hoping that it’s bright color and cool design would entice him to sit and poo/pee there. Grandma was adamant to make it work so she screamed, threatened and scared the poor boy into actually pooing in it. Alas, good things doesn’t come easy. My mom soon lost her “gung-ho-ness” and faltered by softening and allowing the little munchkin wrap her around his little fingers. Oh well, I’m not too worried though. We’ll get there in due time.

Ok, ok….got to go. Life isn’t that bad after all. I see a tiny ray of light at the end of the tunnel. Take care, people. Remember...tiny steps day at a time...


  1. OMG! your son is super duper CUUUTEEEE! how old is he eh?

  2. He's 4 and a half but he has a learning disorder so he goes to Rainbow School....
