"Please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
but it's always gonna come right back to me"
Anyway, Fuddin came down with stomach flu two weeks ago. It was HORRIBLE!!!! I cannot lie. It was oh so horrid! His diarrhoea went on for a week and the whole house smelt of...pardon my language...SHIT! I know... ewww right...but being his mother, I steeled myself and cleaned him and the accident area up everytime he had a go and believe me, did he go! Hehe. He was throwing up a lot too so I alternated between cleaning poo and spew. Woohoo. He wasn't eating and drinking much at all and was really weak for a few days. I had to sleep in the living room with him for 2 nights coz Granny didn't want him "spilling" onto his mattress. To make it worse, Mom and Dad also came down with the same thing so for almost a week, I was living with people who didn't eat, went to the toilet frequently, threw up a lot and basically were very grumpy (can you blame them?). Bottomline is...I DON"T LIKE! I'm glad everyone is so much better now. It's so sad to see my loved ones so weak and I'm powerless to help them.
Now Fuddin is back in school and he's bouncing along well. He has also regained his appetite apparently. Haha. Yup. I don't know whether to be happy or sad for that. Dad is still pretty weak but better. My poor daddy spent his birthday being ill. He wasn't even in the mood to blow the candles on his cake. Whatever it is, I'm glad he's better but I'm not taking chances. Gonna make sure he has plenty of rest from now on. Mom's doing well. Did I tell you she cooked her famous and my favorite "lontong" the other day? It's been a year since I had it. I refuse to eat anyone's "lontong" except for mom's.
Muslims also welcomed the fasting (and holy) month of Ramadan. I've been pretty steady. Hehe. I mean, I can function normally although I'm fasting. I go about my daily ritual sometimes not even realising I'm fasting but some days, my throat is reeeeaaaallllyyyy DRY but I just ignore it and soldier on. Hubby says the best food/ drink I can ever eat/ drink are the ones I break fast with. I agree. I miss my hubby. I mean he's not away or anything but during Ramadan, our activities are curbed. We don't go on our "dates" in the evening, we don't really bring the kids out and all that. An says he's gonna make it up to me. He's gonna "wine and dine" me after Ramadan. I like. I love, love, love you Baby!
Celebrated Teacher's day. The concert in school was surprisingly good. I actually enjoyed it. You know, I will miss Dunearn. No doubt about there. Faults and all, it's been my second home for almost 10 years. I've grown so much since the day I first stepped in here. I've learned to be a better educator and hopefully, a better person. I've made friends here I will never forget.

I've taught wonderful young people who allowed me to say young through my interaction with them. Too many memories to recount but for all these, I thank you Dunearn. Haha. So lame but I mean it.
I gotta go. I need to make myself feel better and mark a bit.
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