That's her little friend; just that it's not so little. It was on sale and it was so fluffy and cute that I insisted she go it.

Anyway, Roshan went to Sepang not long ago to watch his idol, Valentino Rossi who became world moto GP champion for the 2nd year running. You rock Rossi! We love you!!!!!

As for my baby boy, he's been a grumpy little trooper. Still, when Teacher June requested for a close up shot of him, I immediately worked on it. Here are a few among the MANY shots I took.

I finally decided on the one in the middle. Nice? I like. Also, Fuddin is gonna transfer to Yishun Park next year. It'll paobably traumatise him for a bit but I think he'll be alright. He's much more aware of his surroundings now. I also need to get him to lose some weight (not because some arseholes call him fatso) but because it might be hazardous to his health. We've been told to bring him to a dietician. Yeah, we will.
Anyways, the lovely ladies (aka minahs) of Dunearn Sec got together a few weeks ago to have lunch together. It was a noisy but very fun affair! I will so miss these ladies when I leave. I will make an effort to keep in touch gals!

And oh....we went to Science Centre as a post exam activity. We were very excited when we thought we could view the "Bodyworks" exhibition for FREE. Alas, our luck ain't so good. The ticket only entitled us to view the Science Centre exhibitions (which we've viewed mamy times over) so we went to Macs and had breakfast. Before we went off though, I thought it'll be good to take a group pic to mark the occasion.

Hehe. Ok lah, I gotta go. A lot on my mind despite the hols coming soon. I'll live though.
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