Anyway, to answer your questions...yes, I'm still alive...haha...
Ok, first up is... a little Aidilfitri get together organized by An's colleagues...after some persuasion. I figured, hell, let's just go... so with the children in tow, we went and it was alright actually. It was a pretty small affair so it was cool.
We also celebrated a few birthdays.
First up, little baby Eryna turns 1! Yes, the little angel is growing up. Lyn and Harun threw a simple but fun party with a lot of games and prizes for all the guests. Cool indeed.

We also celebrated Syahmi's 4th birthday! My handsome hero was all smiles when he saw the presents, especially the remote control car we bought him. Kids!

Last but not least, hubby turned 35! Happy Birthday honey! Like previous years, we didn't really have a big celebration...just a few small, inexpensive gifts and good food. Actually, I had planned a really good dinner somewhere nice but he declined the offer and opted instead for his favorite beef noodle at modestly priced "Secret Recipe", stating it's not really the food but the company. Hehe. *Blush. *Blush.
Ok up next, some milestones...first, Fuddin and his tippy cup! We've finally weaned him off the dreaded milk bottle. He was a little hesitant at first but as we know, Fuddin and his milk will and shall not be parted.
Then there's my new lappie! Netbook la actually. It's free! Well, if you really think about it, it's not really free coz they've probably included the cost price of the netbook in my monthly internet connection bill but that's a different story.
It's nothing fancy but I like it. Now, I can surf anytime, anywhere! Woohoo!
And oh, here's the biggest milestone ... my little girl in her primary 1 school uniform.
Cute, right? However, after much introspection, I think the skirt is a bit too long. Hmm, probably have to go back and exchange it for a smaller (thus shorter?) one. One of my colleagues said she looks like she's wearing a long dress. Haha. Poor baby. And oh, the kiasu mother in me also decided to take photographs of all the food stall signs in the canteen. The thing is, Ayra is still a bit unsure about handling money so I'm actually going to "train" her. No one's gonna cheat my little girl (God knows she might end up "cheating" the stall holders instead!).
Talking about school, I managed to trail Fuddin on one of his thrice weekly school sessions. I mean, I managed to follow him up till the time he boards the bus as I happened to be on leave that day. Anyway, we had a case conference with his teacher yesterday. Seems like he's doing alright but of coz, there's still a lot more work to be done. My pledge? To put in more effort from now on! Anything for my baby boy!
Ayra also went with Ryan and his parents to the SAF open house and did some swimming with them as well. Ryan adores his "kakak" so Ayra's pretty lucky as she gets to tag along with them everytime they have a fun outing planned.
As for work, the end is in sight! I just have Dunearnite to survive and I am done! All my marking's done! I still have irritating little tasks to do but it'll get done....hehe...somehow. To be nostalgic, here's a pic of my BFFs... we're all going our seperate ways and we all promise to stay in touch but let's face it...we have our own lives and even meeting up for the occasional lunch can be I'm just gonna say this girls... We had fun and we'll try our best to keep in touch... and we'll keep the good memories alive alright babes? All the best!

Good grief! It's taken me more than an hour to blog this entry. This is why I hate to write these long entries so I vow to be a good blogger and try and update as soon as something worth mentioning happens. I don't know how the students do it. They blog about the minutest details and will proceed to describe their whole bus journey to school or something to that effect. Maybe it's the age gap but I can't imagine myself doing that. I mean, I love writing and stuff but that's pretty impossible (and redundant). Maany a times I've thought of giving up this blog but then I think of my childrenand how they'll love to look back at this blog when they're older so that's why I'm still here.
Alright. I'm gonna go. Stay cool, calm and collected, people. If all else fails, eat lots of chocolate. It always helps. You get fat but it helps. Trust me...been there, done that.
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