It's official. I'm FAT. So desperately NOT eating from now onwards.
Hubby thinks I'm crazy. He's not female. What does he know? A female, whether 13 or 131, can never be too thin. I mean, look at Victoria Beckham. I'm not being anorexic here... just being realistic. I think I can lose what I need to lose by Dec 31st 2007. So if you notice me not eating, just pretend you didn't notice. If you notice me eating (like a lot), slap me Pleeeease!
Really, it's not vanity (or at least that's what I tell myself to make me feel better). It's self control. It starts now. Will update on this 31st Dec.
No Dear ,you're not fat.Face it,it's the normal weight for people your age.Don't even think of NOt Eating.Remember what happen when you had stomach Ulcers??It hurts does'nt it?so why put yourself through all the pain?You only "FEEL'' fat.U are NOT fat.So pls..