So how was it? It was all right. Friday's show was "smokey" nite instead coz the smoke machines we rented gave out too much smoke! Can you beat that? The poor kids were gasping on stage. Haha. We nipped that problem in the butt on Saturday though.
I felt it was a good show on Saturday or at least that's what I thought. The kids performed the best they could and whoever thinks otherwise can go F*** a spider coz I saw the amount of effort they put in. But best of all, they had fun. Hell, I had fun. So that's it. Till next year.
I've got some pics here but they're mostly blur and unfocused. Sorry guys. Will take some from the official photographer and post it here once he uploads the photos yah?
To everyone involved in Dunearnite 2007, thanks for everything. It's been one hell of a ride but it was worth it.

This video is courtesy of my dear Danyya. This was just 2 hours before the performance when I had to give my final briefing. PS: Note the worried face.
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