It's official. I'm FAT. So desperately NOT eating from now onwards.
Hubby thinks I'm crazy. He's not female. What does he know? A female, whether 13 or 131, can never be too thin. I mean, look at Victoria Beckham. I'm not being anorexic here... just being realistic. I think I can lose what I need to lose by Dec 31st 2007. So if you notice me not eating, just pretend you didn't notice. If you notice me eating (like a lot), slap me Pleeeease!
Really, it's not vanity (or at least that's what I tell myself to make me feel better). It's self control. It starts now. Will update on this 31st Dec.
My Blog; My Space. An Avenue for Me to Rant N Rave. It's about Life; My Life. It's not Perfect but I'll be Darned if I Don't Make the Best Out of It.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
To the Zoo!

Yup, from the photographs above, you can guess that we were at the zoo.
It was Abah's day off so we decided to give Ayra a break from school and bring the kids to the zoo. This would be Ayra's 4th visit and Fuddin's 2nd. We were there by 0930 hours. The weather wasn't scorching hot but there was hardly any wind! We tried to rent a stroller for Fuddin but he hasn't been on one for over a year and thus refused to sit in it! We got a refund and proceeded to explore.
We saw a lot of animals (duh!) and here are some snapshots.
We saw a lot of animals (duh!) and here are some snapshots.
Besides looking at the animals, we also watched the animal show which featured the sea cows, penguins and seals. We also dropped by the Childrens' Playland where Fuddin had a rolling good time on the swings.
By noon, the weather didn't look too good and we had felt little droplets of rain falling down from the dark sky. We then took the tram ride back to the entrance and made our way home. The kids and us (especially poor Fuddin) were dead beat after all that walking!
Yesterday, my family came over. Mom had cooked up a feast (corn rice and the works!). Everybody ate too much and mom was pretty pleased.
Then me, dad, Ayra, Syakir and Syafiq went to Jurong Point to get a new handphone for Syakir. I had promised him a handphone if he did well for his PSLE. He chose a Sony Ericson W660i. Here's Syakir looking mighty happy with his new toy.
Okay, that's it. Ayra's being relly difficult and refusing to take her nap so I've got to go and be the strict mummy.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
There's no business like showbusiness...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hey you...
In spite of everything,
you have always been
and will always be
my friend,
my love,
my husband.
Happy 8th Anniversary.
you have always been
and will always be
my friend,
my love,
my husband.
Happy 8th Anniversary.
Poems From Within
Where, When and How
Where did it go?
The sense of one
Feeling of togetherness
Of mutuality, symbiosis
Thinking each others thoughts
A consciousness shared
Breathing in unison
A single beating heart
Speaking in a single voice
When did it happen?
At what point?
Did we separate?
Torn apart
Split like an atom
Dissected like conjoined twins
To Breath alone
Stop sharing one heart
Speak for ourselves
How can it be?
When I look at him with love
A stranger looks back
Independent and solo
Individual and free
Thinking on a different plain
Breathing different air
Heart pulsing with a different beat
Speaking a foreign tongue
Loneliness is darkness
A never ending night.
Even though the black won’t go away,
You’ll never fall asleep.
Because loneliness sparks a fear
And unlike other nightmares
Awakening will not vanish it;
For the darkness is too strong
To allow any rest.
It makes memories into ghosts
And dreams into spirits.
Too vague to remember
Too important to forget.
Where did it go?
The sense of one
Feeling of togetherness
Of mutuality, symbiosis
Thinking each others thoughts
A consciousness shared
Breathing in unison
A single beating heart
Speaking in a single voice
When did it happen?
At what point?
Did we separate?
Torn apart
Split like an atom
Dissected like conjoined twins
To Breath alone
Stop sharing one heart
Speak for ourselves
How can it be?
When I look at him with love
A stranger looks back
Independent and solo
Individual and free
Thinking on a different plain
Breathing different air
Heart pulsing with a different beat
Speaking a foreign tongue
Loneliness is darkness
A never ending night.
Even though the black won’t go away,
You’ll never fall asleep.
Because loneliness sparks a fear
And unlike other nightmares
Awakening will not vanish it;
For the darkness is too strong
To allow any rest.
It makes memories into ghosts
And dreams into spirits.
Too vague to remember
Too important to forget.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Personality Test
I did a personality test online and this are the results. Can't say it's totally accurate but it's not totally inaccurate either.
Hmmm, really?
You Are An ENFP |
The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller! In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart. You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts. At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do. You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused |
Hmmm, really?
Dunearnite 2007 is Over! Phew!
Yup, it's over. I'm officially reverting back to my slacker self. Miss that part of me sia. I still have a lot of "real" work to do still but who cares? I'll get it done when I'm good and ready yah?
So how was it? It was all right. Friday's show was "smokey" nite instead coz the smoke machines we rented gave out too much smoke! Can you beat that? The poor kids were gasping on stage. Haha. We nipped that problem in the butt on Saturday though.
I felt it was a good show on Saturday or at least that's what I thought. The kids performed the best they could and whoever thinks otherwise can go F*** a spider coz I saw the amount of effort they put in. But best of all, they had fun. Hell, I had fun. So that's it. Till next year.
I've got some pics here but they're mostly blur and unfocused. Sorry guys. Will take some from the official photographer and post it here once he uploads the photos yah?
To everyone involved in Dunearnite 2007, thanks for everything. It's been one hell of a ride but it was worth it.

This video is courtesy of my dear Danyya. This was just 2 hours before the performance when I had to give my final briefing. PS: Note the worried face.
So how was it? It was all right. Friday's show was "smokey" nite instead coz the smoke machines we rented gave out too much smoke! Can you beat that? The poor kids were gasping on stage. Haha. We nipped that problem in the butt on Saturday though.
I felt it was a good show on Saturday or at least that's what I thought. The kids performed the best they could and whoever thinks otherwise can go F*** a spider coz I saw the amount of effort they put in. But best of all, they had fun. Hell, I had fun. So that's it. Till next year.
I've got some pics here but they're mostly blur and unfocused. Sorry guys. Will take some from the official photographer and post it here once he uploads the photos yah?
To everyone involved in Dunearnite 2007, thanks for everything. It's been one hell of a ride but it was worth it.

This video is courtesy of my dear Danyya. This was just 2 hours before the performance when I had to give my final briefing. PS: Note the worried face.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Life is a Paradox
For those of you who were (un)fortunate enough to read the entry which I have wisely deleted, do forgive me. Alas, I am human after all and that was a sheer, unadulterated moment of folly.
Life Is a paradox. Why? Because we humans are never satisfied with the status quo. When everything is relatively fine, we tend to sabotage our own lives with the tiniest details of why our life sucks. Contrary to that, when our lives truly sucks, we dream of a better life. At the end of the day, I feel we should just live in the moment, for the moment.
I'm sick of thinking of what could have been. I chose this life I'm leading now, didn't I? Yes, God determines but I planned and executed the things I did, did I not? So why in God's name, am I complaining? You were born, you live and then you die. In between, you just make the best of what you have, don't you? So I'm going to do just that. So here I am, at half past midnight, counting my blessings. Pardon me if any of these don't make any sense for this is a totally personal post and if you know me well enough, you should also know that there are many aspects of me which do not make sense. So here goes,
1. I am still alive and relatively healthy (the eyes need working on though).
2. I am not senile or obviously crazy to the public eye.
3. I have two beautiful children who test my patience every single day but they are perfect nonetheless.
4. I have remained happily married although there were moments I faltered and thought otherwise. Still, I am happily married to my teenage (not childhood) sweetheart.
5. I have a stable income (Note: stable does not equate sufficient).
6. My parents are alive and well (and still think I'm 14 and thus incapable of anything at times). Still, I am grateful to them.
7. I have a few good friends (who by the way, are just as cukoo as I am).
8. I am not a starving Ethiopian child.
9. I do not live in Afghanistan where the women are oppressed.
10. I do not live in a war torn country where watching people around me drop like flies is a social norm.
You get the idea. I get the idea. If I were to continue listing my blessings, hell yes, I do have a lot to be thankful for but since this entry is to indulge my insanity anyway, I will proceed to list some random "unblessings". Do take note however, that the list will be censored because if I really write all that I think, everyone will uncover the truth behind Dr Jekyl (that he's Mr Hyde?) and horrors of horrors, I will never be seen in the same saintly way I am viewed now by others.
1. I am not thin enough.
2. I am not rich enough.
3. I am not young enough.
4. I am not pretty enough.
5. I am not smart enough.
6. I am not capable enough.
7. I am not talented enough.
8. I am not a Saint.
Hmm, a truly superficial list of why I am not blessed enough. THAT'S IT! I have singlehandedly uncovered the truth! I am a SUPERFICIAL person! Eureka!
Now that that's settled, I will attempt to go to sleep now. As I do so, I will count my blessings. For those of you on the same wavelength as me, I apologize. Cynicism is my forte. For those of you who are not quite there, I apologize as well for you wasted precious time to read this truly nonsensical piece of sh.... I mean...entry.
Sweet dreams everyone. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Life Is a paradox. Why? Because we humans are never satisfied with the status quo. When everything is relatively fine, we tend to sabotage our own lives with the tiniest details of why our life sucks. Contrary to that, when our lives truly sucks, we dream of a better life. At the end of the day, I feel we should just live in the moment, for the moment.
I'm sick of thinking of what could have been. I chose this life I'm leading now, didn't I? Yes, God determines but I planned and executed the things I did, did I not? So why in God's name, am I complaining? You were born, you live and then you die. In between, you just make the best of what you have, don't you? So I'm going to do just that. So here I am, at half past midnight, counting my blessings. Pardon me if any of these don't make any sense for this is a totally personal post and if you know me well enough, you should also know that there are many aspects of me which do not make sense. So here goes,
1. I am still alive and relatively healthy (the eyes need working on though).
2. I am not senile or obviously crazy to the public eye.
3. I have two beautiful children who test my patience every single day but they are perfect nonetheless.
4. I have remained happily married although there were moments I faltered and thought otherwise. Still, I am happily married to my teenage (not childhood) sweetheart.
5. I have a stable income (Note: stable does not equate sufficient).
6. My parents are alive and well (and still think I'm 14 and thus incapable of anything at times). Still, I am grateful to them.
7. I have a few good friends (who by the way, are just as cukoo as I am).
8. I am not a starving Ethiopian child.
9. I do not live in Afghanistan where the women are oppressed.
10. I do not live in a war torn country where watching people around me drop like flies is a social norm.
You get the idea. I get the idea. If I were to continue listing my blessings, hell yes, I do have a lot to be thankful for but since this entry is to indulge my insanity anyway, I will proceed to list some random "unblessings". Do take note however, that the list will be censored because if I really write all that I think, everyone will uncover the truth behind Dr Jekyl (that he's Mr Hyde?) and horrors of horrors, I will never be seen in the same saintly way I am viewed now by others.
1. I am not thin enough.
2. I am not rich enough.
3. I am not young enough.
4. I am not pretty enough.
5. I am not smart enough.
6. I am not capable enough.
7. I am not talented enough.
8. I am not a Saint.
Hmm, a truly superficial list of why I am not blessed enough. THAT'S IT! I have singlehandedly uncovered the truth! I am a SUPERFICIAL person! Eureka!
Now that that's settled, I will attempt to go to sleep now. As I do so, I will count my blessings. For those of you on the same wavelength as me, I apologize. Cynicism is my forte. For those of you who are not quite there, I apologize as well for you wasted precious time to read this truly nonsensical piece of sh.... I mean...entry.
Sweet dreams everyone. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Posh is Hot...
Call me shallow but I love Victoria Beckham. She's so glam. Here's a clip of her in "Ugly Betty" as a bridesmaid who steals the show from the bride herself! Enjoy...
Here's also a pic of the Spice Girls as they reunite to go on their tour starting December.
And here she is with Becks. Sigh... she has 3 kids and she looks like that?!! Truly unfair. Let us mere mortals aspire...
Here's also a pic of the Spice Girls as they reunite to go on their tour starting December.
And here she is with Becks. Sigh... she has 3 kids and she looks like that?!! Truly unfair. Let us mere mortals aspire...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Fuddin's Current Favorite Spot
Fuddin is growing up fast and strong. He's also constantly hungry! I attribute this phenomenan to the fact that he doesn't eat rice. He's always on the lookout for whatever snacks he can get his hands on. Amongst his favorites are potato chips (which Grandma has banned), "roller coaster" potato snacks, mini M&Ms and his wheel crackers. He gets really upset when we refuse to get up and get his food for him. Poor boy.
Anyway, lately, he's taken a fancy to my bed and Ayra's bed. So whenever the room door is left ajar, he will sprint in and help himself to our beds.

He will first use my bed a a trampoline then proceed to Ayra's bed where he will use her blanket to hide himself. I should then tickle him while he's covered under the blanket and then take away the blanket, exclaiming "peek-a-boo" as his happy, smiling face is revealed.

It's always the same every time! Haha! Sometimes I get tired of the routine and let him run wild while I occupy myself. Me and Ayra will then proceed to take our own photographs. (Can you spot Fuddin doing his trampoline jumping stunt in the background? Miraculously, he's quite stable and has never slipped).

Lame but true. This is what we do at home when Daddy is working morning shift on a weekend. When I have had enough, I will haul him out of the room and boy, that's when he will howl his heart out. Scary but true. My little boy has power packed lungs!
Anyway, lately, he's taken a fancy to my bed and Ayra's bed. So whenever the room door is left ajar, he will sprint in and help himself to our beds.
He will first use my bed a a trampoline then proceed to Ayra's bed where he will use her blanket to hide himself. I should then tickle him while he's covered under the blanket and then take away the blanket, exclaiming "peek-a-boo" as his happy, smiling face is revealed.
It's always the same every time! Haha! Sometimes I get tired of the routine and let him run wild while I occupy myself. Me and Ayra will then proceed to take our own photographs. (Can you spot Fuddin doing his trampoline jumping stunt in the background? Miraculously, he's quite stable and has never slipped).
Lame but true. This is what we do at home when Daddy is working morning shift on a weekend. When I have had enough, I will haul him out of the room and boy, that's when he will howl his heart out. Scary but true. My little boy has power packed lungs!
MMI Concert 2007
The long awaited day finally arrived. It was finally time for her school concert. It was Ayra's first time on stage and she and her little friends had been practising like mad. So I dressed her in her little cheerleader's costume and put on some basic make up (as instructed) on her face. We were then off to the NTUC Auditorium.

It was a madhouse there. All the parents with their little ones dressed up in curious, brightly colored costumes. We dropped Ayra off where she was promptly "picked up" and brought backstage by the teachers. An and I then went to "Lau Pa Sat" for a little meal while we waited for 1.00 pm. We were seated by 1.15pm but the concert didn't start till 1.35pm.
The director of preschools gave out certificates to the graduands (K2 kids) and then the concert started!
It was really quite a grand affair. The kids were oh so cute in their costumes and they were all so earnestly trying their best to remember their dance steps. I had a really good time. I do applaud the teachers who coordinated the whole concert. I am having a hard time coordinating 14 to 16 year olds so I can imagine how difficult it is with 3 to 6 year olds!
My little Ayra danced her heart out! Haha! Poor girl, she complained afterwards that her partner was a bit slow but overall, she said she had a good time. An said he was quite surprised to see Ayra shake so much as she was quite shy in showing us her dance steps at home.

The finale was quite awesome, with the teachers joining in as well. There were so many children onstage!
Anyway, it was soon over and it was time to "collect" our respective children. Such a mad rush! We finally "collected" our girl. This is our little performer with her proud daddy.

We went to Marina Square after that as Ayra was starving. She only had a biscuit during the duration of the concert. Here's our hungry little girl with her well deserved plate of chicken rice.
She then promptly fell asleep in the car on the way home. It's tough to be a performer!
Anyway, I've already ordered a dvd of the performance. However, for your viewing pleasure, this is an amateurish video shot by the mummy aka m'ua.
To think, I have more of these concerts to attend (and that's not even counting Fuddin's). Shucks, being a parent nowadays can be tough (but worth it).
It was a madhouse there. All the parents with their little ones dressed up in curious, brightly colored costumes. We dropped Ayra off where she was promptly "picked up" and brought backstage by the teachers. An and I then went to "Lau Pa Sat" for a little meal while we waited for 1.00 pm. We were seated by 1.15pm but the concert didn't start till 1.35pm.
The director of preschools gave out certificates to the graduands (K2 kids) and then the concert started!
It was really quite a grand affair. The kids were oh so cute in their costumes and they were all so earnestly trying their best to remember their dance steps. I had a really good time. I do applaud the teachers who coordinated the whole concert. I am having a hard time coordinating 14 to 16 year olds so I can imagine how difficult it is with 3 to 6 year olds!
My little Ayra danced her heart out! Haha! Poor girl, she complained afterwards that her partner was a bit slow but overall, she said she had a good time. An said he was quite surprised to see Ayra shake so much as she was quite shy in showing us her dance steps at home.
The finale was quite awesome, with the teachers joining in as well. There were so many children onstage!
Anyway, it was soon over and it was time to "collect" our respective children. Such a mad rush! We finally "collected" our girl. This is our little performer with her proud daddy.
We went to Marina Square after that as Ayra was starving. She only had a biscuit during the duration of the concert. Here's our hungry little girl with her well deserved plate of chicken rice.
She then promptly fell asleep in the car on the way home. It's tough to be a performer!
Anyway, I've already ordered a dvd of the performance. However, for your viewing pleasure, this is an amateurish video shot by the mummy aka m'ua.
To think, I have more of these concerts to attend (and that's not even counting Fuddin's). Shucks, being a parent nowadays can be tough (but worth it).
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