I just thought I 'll dedicate an entry to Fuddin today. I've put up some younger photographs of Fuddin here. There's one of him when he was 2 days old. Fuddin was much easier to deliver, as compared to Ayra. I was in active labour for only 3 hours and eventhough the pain was excruciating, it was over soon enough (although it didn't seem so at that the time!). The nurse commented he looked exactly like his dad and I was glad coz Ayra already looks like me. A mini An! How cute!
My mum and Ii had big plans for Fuddin. Haha! We wanted him to sleep through the night, cry less, etc. but all that went out the window. We thought we were wiser after Ayra but we were wrong. Fuddin had his own plans and although he wasn't that difficult, he wasn't easy either. Anyway, we survived that. I have my mum to thank. She's been my saviour and she's really good with both Fuddin and Ayra. Dad has also been a great help. I really don't know what I'll do without them.
Currently, Fuddin is learning how to walk. He's really quite cute but a little bad tempered at times. He's quite attached to me and I'm glad. Initially, I was a bit apprehensive about not being as close to him as he sleeps with my parents at night but it's turning out fine. He'll be moving into our bedroom soon though although Ayra has quite vehemently declared that she doesn't want to sleep in her own room anytime soon. We all just have to adjust then.
I am looking forward to him growing up.

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