Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An Exciting Week!

I will write about last week's events. We went to Wild Wild Wet! Although my children didn't go wild, I think they had fun. Fuddin was afraid at first coz the water was really cold but he was soon splashing all of us. Ayra went on a "lazy" ride with An where they sat in a buoy and allowed themselves be drifted away. Atok was there too. It was all right but I think my kids are too young to really appreciate the place. I will bring them back when they're older. I couldn't take any photographs there but here are the kids in their swimming gear.

We also went to Causeway point with Nenek Chik and Kakah Anisa. Ayra had a wonderful time running around with her cousin. She adores Anisa and always bugging us to bring her to Kakak'shouse. Anyway, here they are just before the trip.

Next, I want to write about Ayra's latest toy. It's just a plasticine like thing made of wheat and you're supposed to mould it and make it look like food and serve it on the plates provided. She's really into it and for 3 straight nights, me, the hubby and her have been moulding and eating funny looking moulded food. Here is a photograph (and a video) to prove it!

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