My Blog; My Space. An Avenue for Me to Rant N Rave. It's about Life; My Life. It's not Perfect but I'll be Darned if I Don't Make the Best Out of It.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Back to work
It's been a tiring week... and it's only Thursday! I went back to work and it's been pretty hectic. There's just so much to do and by the time I'm home, I'm so drained it's hard to give 100% to the family which really sux actually. Anyway, An has the weekend off so we'll go out then and since Monday is Youth Day, we might go to Johor to some shopping. We'll see. Ayra is not feeling well so we're bringing her to see a doctor later. That itself will be quite a difficult task. I just hope she'll be okay soon. Will write a more cheery entry and include a few interesting photos the next time. Now though, it's back to work.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
An Exciting Week!
I will write about last week's events. We went to Wild Wild Wet! Although my children didn't go wild, I think they had fun. Fuddin was afraid at first coz the water was really cold but he was soon splashing all of us. Ayra went on a "lazy" ride with An where they sat in a buoy and allowed themselves be drifted away. Atok was there too. It was all right but I think my kids are too young to really appreciate the place. I will bring them back when they're older. I couldn't take any photographs there but here are the kids in their swimming gear.

We also went to Causeway point with Nenek Chik and Kakah Anisa. Ayra had a wonderful time running around with her cousin. She adores Anisa and always bugging us to bring her to Kakak'shouse. Anyway, here they are just before the trip.

Next, I want to write about Ayra's latest toy. It's just a plasticine like thing made of wheat and you're supposed to mould it and make it look like food and serve it on the plates provided. She's really into it and for 3 straight nights, me, the hubby and her have been moulding and eating funny looking moulded food. Here is a photograph (and a video) to prove it!

We also went to Causeway point with Nenek Chik and Kakah Anisa. Ayra had a wonderful time running around with her cousin. She adores Anisa and always bugging us to bring her to Kakak'shouse. Anyway, here they are just before the trip.

Next, I want to write about Ayra's latest toy. It's just a plasticine like thing made of wheat and you're supposed to mould it and make it look like food and serve it on the plates provided. She's really into it and for 3 straight nights, me, the hubby and her have been moulding and eating funny looking moulded food. Here is a photograph (and a video) to prove it!

Caught on Camera!
This video dates back to April I think. I'm not too sure but it's classic. I won't reveal too much. Watch and you'll understand.
The Fragility of a little Heart
I must write about what happened last night. I and Ayra were going through the motion of preparing for bedtime. We we having our nightly talk when we started playing the kissing game. She would kiss my eyes, nose, cheek and mouth and I would do likewise. Anyway, she decided to bury her face in her pillow when it was my turn to kiss her lips. It was cute at first but i got kind of irritated soon enough. So I decided to play my own game and pretended to sulk. I got out of her bed and went to lie down on my own (which is just beside hers). All was quiet for about 10 minutes so I assumed she had fallen asleep and I was dozing off as well. Then I heard it. A quiet sobbing. It was heart wrenching for me to hear that. I jumped out of bed and consoled her. I said I was sorry and that I would not do it again which did not console her but made her howl instead. I had to reassure her again and again that I still love her and that Ibu was "naughty". She finally fell asleep at 11pm but woke up at 4am and told me to sleep beside her again.
Anyway, this incident has taught me a bit. Not to underestimate a child's understanding! I will be more sensitive to my childrens' feelings from now on.
Anyway, this incident has taught me a bit. Not to underestimate a child's understanding! I will be more sensitive to my childrens' feelings from now on.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
A "fishy" experience
We had a bit of fun yesterday. We went to Lot 1 and then to a fishing pond to catch little fishies. Ayra enjoyed herself tremendously with her cousins. She was sweaty and red faced with all that running around although she managed to not catch any fish. Still, she had fun and that's the most important thing.
Fuddin tagged along too and wanted to join in the fun. He was watching the going-ons intently and was sweating profusely as well although he was being carried the whole time! Haha! Once they got home, both promptly fell asleep (including the father) and I had an hour and a half of peace and quiet.
We have free tickets to Wild Wild Wet. Maybe we will go on Monday. I wonder if Fuddin will enjoy it. I hope he won't be afraid. As for Ayra, I know she'll go to the baby pool and declare that she's "swimming".
We will enjoy what's left of the school holidays.
Fuddin tagged along too and wanted to join in the fun. He was watching the going-ons intently and was sweating profusely as well although he was being carried the whole time! Haha! Once they got home, both promptly fell asleep (including the father) and I had an hour and a half of peace and quiet.
We have free tickets to Wild Wild Wet. Maybe we will go on Monday. I wonder if Fuddin will enjoy it. I hope he won't be afraid. As for Ayra, I know she'll go to the baby pool and declare that she's "swimming".
We will enjoy what's left of the school holidays.
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
A trip down memory lane: Ayra
Today is Ayra's turn to be featured. It took me 19 hours of labour before Ayra was born. I eventually succumbed to the epidural but not before I experienced hours of pain. Still, she's worth every second. She was such a beautiful baby, demanding but being the first born, I didn't really mind. She's really quite precocious now and sometimes I worry about making the wrong move. What i mean is sometimes I'm afraid of teaching her the wrong things and how to handle her when she misbehaves. I suppose every parent has this problem. I'm still trying to find my parenting style. I mean I can be strict at times but I do not want her to be so afraid of me that she doesn't come to me when she's afraid, lonely or insecure. It is tough being a parent.
Anyway, we finally found a pre-school for her. Montessori @ Graceland. We must have checked out about ten places before we finally decided on this one. There were so many factors to consider and this place is the best of the lot. Ayra seems to like the place too. I do hope she not only learns but enjoy herself there too. I might enrol Fuddin there as well in 2 years time.
For now, Ayra is undergoing toilet training and experiencing withdrawal symptoms as we're weaning her off the bottle. Haha! Poor child. She's coping fine though. She now sips her milk and her juice from a cup that has a winding straw around it. Thank God for weird inventions!

Anyway, we finally found a pre-school for her. Montessori @ Graceland. We must have checked out about ten places before we finally decided on this one. There were so many factors to consider and this place is the best of the lot. Ayra seems to like the place too. I do hope she not only learns but enjoy herself there too. I might enrol Fuddin there as well in 2 years time.
For now, Ayra is undergoing toilet training and experiencing withdrawal symptoms as we're weaning her off the bottle. Haha! Poor child. She's coping fine though. She now sips her milk and her juice from a cup that has a winding straw around it. Thank God for weird inventions!

Thursday, June 1, 2006
A trip down memory lane: Syarifuddin

I just thought I 'll dedicate an entry to Fuddin today. I've put up some younger photographs of Fuddin here. There's one of him when he was 2 days old. Fuddin was much easier to deliver, as compared to Ayra. I was in active labour for only 3 hours and eventhough the pain was excruciating, it was over soon enough (although it didn't seem so at that the time!). The nurse commented he looked exactly like his dad and I was glad coz Ayra already looks like me. A mini An! How cute!
My mum and Ii had big plans for Fuddin. Haha! We wanted him to sleep through the night, cry less, etc. but all that went out the window. We thought we were wiser after Ayra but we were wrong. Fuddin had his own plans and although he wasn't that difficult, he wasn't easy either. Anyway, we survived that. I have my mum to thank. She's been my saviour and she's really good with both Fuddin and Ayra. Dad has also been a great help. I really don't know what I'll do without them.
Currently, Fuddin is learning how to walk. He's really quite cute but a little bad tempered at times. He's quite attached to me and I'm glad. Initially, I was a bit apprehensive about not being as close to him as he sleeps with my parents at night but it's turning out fine. He'll be moving into our bedroom soon though although Ayra has quite vehemently declared that she doesn't want to sleep in her own room anytime soon. We all just have to adjust then.
I am looking forward to him growing up.

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