I love Pringles Potato Chips. Best invention ever. It makes me FAT but I like it and as of midnight tonight, which is 55 minutes away, I'm on a DIET so I'm stuffing my face with all the Pringles I can get my hands on before it's too late. Truth be told, sometimes I think being a woman is a chore. Not only do I need to give birth, I'm expected to take care of the household chores (eventhough I work full time), bleed every month...da di da di da... Yeah, yeah, I know, I know... there are perks in being a woman (What are they again? I really can't think of any now...Serious!). Men don't give two hoots about gaining weight and I'm totally obsessed by it. There is never a day I don't think about losing weight. Urgh!
Oh well. Life's like that. Deal with it.
Anyway, Ayra & the grandparents stayed over at Bibik Linda's house on Saturday night so it was only An, me and Fuddin. We brought him out to Jurong Point and actually managed to buy some stuff from the supermarket! I don't think people realise how stressful it is for parents to bring their autistic child out. We want the kid to have fun, let loose and on the other hand, we're so constrained by all these god damn people who keep staring! Sometimes I feel like hanging a sign on my neck that screams - "Quit staring or I'll let my autistic kid bite your face!" I dunno. Are people really that ignorant? Is it just here in Singapore? Or am I the one with the problem? The truth is I don't really care. Whatever. We'll just keep doing what we think is right. At the end of the day, it's our lives. We dictate who we'll let affect us and who won't, right?
Ok, I'm straying from the topic. Anyway, Fuddin was really well behaved. We were mighty proud of him. Not a tantrum in sight. Bedtime was not as easy though. He was in bed by a quarter to 10 but only fell asleep at 11.15pm. I was overjoyed nonetheless. Sleep time for me! However, at about half past 3, he was wide awake. I was too sleepy to stay awake and watch him. The next thing I knew, Grandma's wardrobe was wide open and he was helping himself to Grandma's new socks. Haha! Trust Fuddin to entertain himself.
Hmm, what else? Oh yah... Ayra's really excited about the Bangkok trip. Keeps talking about the bubble bath in the bath tub! Haha, ya, she's weird like that. An's excited bout all the shopping and me? I'm cool. I have this nagging feeling that I'm gonna be way tired though & I'll miss my baby boy.
I just realised I'm not gonna have like a long break from work during the June or Dec school holidays ever again. That totally sucks. Period.
I think I'm gonna write a book of poetry. A friend of mine has a friend who published her own book of poetry. I wanna do that. It'll be a best seller amongst angst filled women all over the world. It'll personify the deep resentment we women hold against the oppression by the other sex. I'll be famous. Oprah Winfrey will invite me to her talk show. Ellen Degeneres will make me her new BFF. I'll probably get slayed by the PAP for inciting gender riots though and I'll have to disguise myself as a man. Lol. That'll be totally cool.
Yes, I know I'm crapping. I can't help it. There's something not quite right with my head right now. Maybe the absence of all that marking has made me (gasp!) actually think!
I'm gonna go now. Gotta go raid the cabinets for junk food. :)
true...u wont get super long crazy hols...but u wont need them as much cos you wont be working like a mad cow during term time either...it will balance itself out...and i think its just this one time la...once you've built ur module, then no need to start from scratch again....just modify here and there so more time during hols!!!anyway, thats why they hired us! they need fresh blood to revamp!