Anyway, I wasn't too tired on the eve of Hari Raya. Mom had finished cooking all of her oh so mouth watering (and calorie-laden!) dishes and we only had the cleaning left to do. Sometimes I wonder why we bother cleaning the rooms because it's not as if guests enter our rooms to inspect them but then I use the occasion for an excuse to clean the whole house. Call it THE annual spring cleaning. Yup, (almost) no dusty corners are spared. This year, we didn't get anything new. We didn't even re-paint so our humble little home looks exactly as it did last year. Haha. Who cares? Anyway, here's the result. I forgot to take photos of the room but seriously, you ain't missing much, i.e nothing fantastic.

Why the lack of furniture? Coz my (not so little anymore) babies need SPACE! Space to run, roll and do what have you. We gave up on the coffee table when we had to scream everytime Fuddin got on it and started jumping.
Anyway, after waiting for hubby to come back from the mosque, we got ready to go to his mom's place. We managed to slip in some photo taking though. Yup, it was RED this year. Bright.

As usual, it was a cheery at my mom in laws. What was (pleasantly) different though was Fuddin. He was astonishingly well behaved. Usually, even before we reach his grandma's flat, he would start protesting and end up wailing, refusing to enter. This time though, he was so very co-operative. He entered without fuss and proceeded to sit on the couch like a good little boy. He would walk around once in a while when he got bored but he was exceptionally sociable, even allowing us to snap photos of him! I even managed to snap some photos of him smiling! Woohoo!

After that, we went home where my siblings had gathered. Hubby wasn't feeling too well so he had a quick nap while all of us did what we do best...EAT! Hehe. We then posed for some pics and did the asking for forgiveness thing. while I was pretty "steady" at my in laws, I turned to a bumbling mess when it came to my immediate family. Banyak dosa agaknya! Ya, but I'm glad I did it and I did it sincerely. I'm all pumped up now to be a better person and treat those closest to me with as much love and respect I can muster.

In school, the Muslim teachers had a repeat of last year's "perjumpaan" or in simpler terms "makan" session lah. Of course, our non muslims colleague were invited to sample the many goodies we pot lucked.

I also invited my very lively form class, 3 Amber, to my place for a makan and get together session. My dear mommy agreed to cook some noodles and chicken wings for them. Dear Aishah and Jasvinder even bought me a cake as they said it'll be weird to come empty handed. how thoughtful. So they came, ate, played with my kids and we even managed to slot in a round of Bingo! Haha. Trust them to come up with fun activities at any time and at any place. You rock 3 Amberians!

Finally, it's done. Hari Raya and this long entry. Actually, my Hari Raya celebrations is done. I'm not in a "Raya" mood anymore actually. Fuddin has also kindly destroyed all my kuihs by shaking the container they were in. The result? Mashed up kuihs! Ewwww! So a note to those reading this and intending to drop by my palce, sorry sayangs, no kuihs ah... hehe.
Alright, that's it. To all my fellow muslims, Salam Aidilfitri. Semoga bulan yang mulia ini membawa keinsafaan pada kita semua. InsyaAllah! (Steady ah, As!)