Yes, it was low key. No big party, no piniata, no flowery dress (better not be...haha). In true simple Fuddin style, we packed a Nemo cake to school (it was supposed to be an Elmo cake but that's another story) to share with his schoolmates. On his birthday, his cousins came over to pass him his gifts and we bought him his favorite food in the whole world...ice cream!!! We then brought him to his favorite hangout - the happening void deck where the whole family proceeded to have a yakult and crackers party. Woohoo! Fuddin was as pleased as can be.
Yes, we may sound like cheap skate parents but we know our son the best and this is the kind of celebration he wants. And before he went to bed, I sat him down, looked him in the eye and told him that he is the most beautiful child to me and that he must never worry because Mommy will always be there to take care and love him. It didn't matter that he didn't understand me. Nothing matters coz no matter how difficult he is, he is mine and to hell to people who don't understand.
Happy Birthday Syarifuddin. You are the love of my life.
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