My Blog; My Space. An Avenue for Me to Rant N Rave. It's about Life; My Life. It's not Perfect but I'll be Darned if I Don't Make the Best Out of It.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Fuddin Turns 4...
Yes, it was low key. No big party, no piniata, no flowery dress (better not be...haha). In true simple Fuddin style, we packed a Nemo cake to school (it was supposed to be an Elmo cake but that's another story) to share with his schoolmates. On his birthday, his cousins came over to pass him his gifts and we bought him his favorite food in the whole cream!!! We then brought him to his favorite hangout - the happening void deck where the whole family proceeded to have a yakult and crackers party. Woohoo! Fuddin was as pleased as can be.
Yes, we may sound like cheap skate parents but we know our son the best and this is the kind of celebration he wants. And before he went to bed, I sat him down, looked him in the eye and told him that he is the most beautiful child to me and that he must never worry because Mommy will always be there to take care and love him. It didn't matter that he didn't understand me. Nothing matters coz no matter how difficult he is, he is mine and to hell to people who don't understand.
Happy Birthday Syarifuddin. You are the love of my life.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Fiza gets hitched!
Fiza's wedding on Saturday. It was a nice wedding and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I think she'll be happy with the wedding. Last I heard, she's enjoying married life. Haha!
Ayra was one of the flower girls. She was pretty excited. My only complain? I didn't get to taste the cake!!!
No matter, dear Arnie will be baking the same ones and bringing some to school on Wed. Woohoo.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Oh My God!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Low Blow...
Whatever it is, while it's fine to be high and mighty and to attack an adult (yeah maybe I deserve it), it's way mean and lame to criticize my autistic son. Way lame.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I Love Being a Mommy...Seriously...
Yup, the momentous moment has arrived. Fuddin is now a student. Hehe. Yup. His first day was last Thursday. It was more of an orientation actually. Me, Roshan and my Dad all accompanied our not so little Baby to school. I won’t give a blow by blow account of everything but June, his teacher, is really patient, kind and understanding. While he did wail a bit, he was alright most of the time. While I still have apprehensions, no doubt I know that attending school is good for Fuddin. Anyway, the latest news is Fuddin developed a wicked fever two days ago but we’re all hoping that he’ll be well enough to get on that school bus (first time ever!) and go to school tomorrow. It’s swimming day tomorrow and we’re all pretty excited! Although I can’t be there with him tomorrow, I am sure he’ll be fine. May my boy be happy always.
Anyway, I’ve finished marking my mid year exam papers. Woohoo. I must admit I’m super fast this time round. I really don’t know what came over me. It was like I was a crazed woman on a mission; a marking mission. Before I knew it, I was done. So there. I ain’t a skiver after all. I’m only one when I choose to do so. Geddit?
Roshan’s course ends this week. He’s a bit upset at how things are turning out. Well, I’m just gonna say good riddance. Seriously, it’s pretty painful for him to still be hitting the books at that age. Also, going back to shift means more rest for him, more “quiet” time for us and shift allowance…extra cash to help with the bills is always a blessing.
As for me, I’m still hanging on. Some days, I feel sane. Other days, I’m the long suffering insomniac (smirk). Still, the promise of the long break in June is nice.
Oh ya….Mother’s Day is this Sunday. Like I told Roshan, I wanted to bake cupcakes for me mom and mother in law but sadly, I DON”T KNOW HOW!!!!! Roshan says to heck it and try anyway. Errr…what if it’s a disaster? I dunno. Anyway, to all the mommies out there…especially to my sis, Linda and Kak Idah…Happy Mother’s Day! You guys and the millions of moms out there are super fantastic. I know the amount of time and effort we mommies put in to be the best mommies that we can
And to my mommy, although she may not read this….I love you. Despite our differences, I love you.
And to my babies, Mommy can only hope and pray to be the best mommy ever to you guys. I know sometimes I don’t do enough. I know I should be more patient, kind, understanding… I know I should buy you more stuff, bring you out more often, spend more time playing with you guys… and I will, my babies. I love you Ayra and Fuddin and while I suck at a lot of things, I don’t totally suck at being a Mommy because you guys have made it so easy to love, give and sacrifice. Muacks!!!!