It was a nice weekend. Spent it with the family. Still, I ate way too much (still am) and didn't mark anything. Haha. It's okay though. Family comes first right?
And oh, yah... my next door neighbour's teenage daughter tried to kill herself by jumping off her 11th floor bedroom window. Like for real! It was a riot... tons of policemen and the SCDF were swarming around our area. They had even put out the net to catch her if she had decided to take the plunge. Anyway, they managed to coax her in and she was taken away by the police to the station (?). Anyway, it was pretty dramatic.
Yeah, life sux. So much that some people don't want to live anymore. Scary but true.
I just want a happy family, a stable job, good health and to be thin. Haha. I probably won't get everything but somehow, I'm pretty sure I will not attempt suicide though.
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