The school had a Learning Festival last Thursday and me and Fiza were in charge of one of the English stations. We conducted a lesson on instructions. Basically, the students had to come up with instructions on how to create an "Animal Mud Bath" after which they had to create the thing and finally, eat it. Here are some of the end products; a bit messy but nonetheless yummy, don't you think?

Then on Friday, it was Teacher's Day Celebrations. The concert was so-so and before the dinner at CDANS, me, Fiza and Nat picked Cheryl and Ayra up. We went to IMM and then to the dinner. It was tiring but the kids brightened up the whole thing. Maybe next year I'll be brave and bring Fuddin along too.

Then on Friday, it was Teacher's Day Celebrations. The concert was so-so and before the dinner at CDANS, me, Fiza and Nat picked Cheryl and Ayra up. We went to IMM and then to the dinner. It was tiring but the kids brightened up the whole thing. Maybe next year I'll be brave and bring Fuddin along too.

As for darling baby boy, he's been a happy trooper. Brought the kids to Marina Square on Sunday. I bought for Fuddin another "Elmo's World" vcd and Ayra got some bead art & craft thing. Then when we got home, fuddin decided to do his climbing stunt on the computer chair. He was happily twirling himself round and round so I decided it was a picture perfect opportunity.
Anyway, it's the one week school holiday but guess where I am now. Yup. In school. I'm invigilating the N levels, marking test scripts, giving extra lessons, setting exam papers and keying in test marks. how about that for a break? Friday is the only day that I don't need to come to work. In a nutshell, RIDICULOUS! Ok, enough blogging. Start marking.
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