Just started thinking of marriage in general and how unfair life can be. Some women have "perfect" husbands, the ones who will wake up in the middle of the night to feed the baby, surprise you with breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning, do the housework, buy you little surprises (a holiday package to Paris would be nice), pay for your little extravangances (which you painstakingly go through to make yourself look prettier for him, anyway), tells you how gorgeous you are (although you suspect he's lying, hell... it sounds good to the ear nonetheless) and does NOT get angry at you over the slightest things or things which are beyond your control. Hell, if I had a choice, a man who idolises me and think I'm God sent is ideal.
What's my point? Nothing really. Just that my man doesn't do any of the above. No, it's not hubby bashing time. Surprisingly, this is an entry to remind myself that yes, I made the right choice more than seven years ago when I decided to marry this man. This will be the entry that I read when I have had an argument with him and think that all is lost. This will be the entry that my children will read when they are all grown up and wonder if the person they are in a relationship with is the "ONE". This is the entry to tell the world why, despite it all, I am still married to this man whom I first met at a bus stop, on a blind date...when I was fourteen years old.
1. We talk. All the time. About the past, present & future.
2. He lets me see things in a different light.
3. We try to settle our arguments before we go to bed every night as each new day is a new beginning.
4. We don't mind doing the most mundane things - together.
5. The knowing looks we share, the unspoken bond we share.
6. His ability to make me want to apologise (even when I'm right!).
7. His trust & confidence in me.
8. His willingness to allow me to make important decisions.
9. His small (and far in between) but thoughtful gestures.
10. His unwavering faith In God.
So there it is. I won't elaborate. It's self explanatory.
"Blessed is the wife who looks beyond the surface"... You go figure.