We went to An's company staff dinner last Saturday night at Orchard Park Hotel. The food sucks! I hardly ate as it was so bad. We even had to drop by the petrol station on our way back to buy food as we were hungry! Imagine that! The company wasn't that great either as I hardly knew anyone. The men didn't talk to me (out of propriety?) and the women were just giggling and giving me the evil eyes in their little groups! How utterly mundane. I can't remember how many times I rolled my eyes. Still, I plastered a smile on my face and acted like the proper adoring wife (which I am by the way). I mean, I'm sure they're all nice people but they're strangers to me so that's that.
The positive side of the whole experience? I went to give myself temporay curls for the occasion and I liked it! I might even consider doing it permanently. also, I spent some time with my dear hubby. Doesn't he look handsome in his formal get up? Totally not him but a refreshing change. Also, he won 3rd prize for the lucky draw! We now have a $600 travel voucher which we will use to partly fund our holiday to Langkawi at the end of the year. Exciting!
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