So it's the day after the big birthy bash and I'm tired. Understatement. I'm exhausted. Actually, I wouldn't be in this state if I had a goodnight's sleep last night...which of course, I didn't.
Anyway, my ancient camera decided it has had enough of me and took a day off...which means I have no photos...just the 3 random ones I took using my mobile. Anyway, my Sis is coming to the rescue. I'm gonna get the photos she snapped on her camera ad upload them here...so it's not all bad.
The party itself was okay. My colleagues said it was pretty fun, especially the piniata bit. There was a lot of good food and everyone was in high spirits (except for Fuddin...he didn't like the crowd). To the guests who brought wonderful gifts for Ayra, Thank You! Ayra loves all her presents and will be using/ enjoying them all soon.
Anyway, I hope you had fun Ayra. It was all for you...coz you're special and you're mine. Till the next big bash, let me recover from this one first...(wry laugh)...
Alright. got the photos. Thanks Sis.
Here's the cake from Coffee Bean. Looks great...doesn't taste too great. The Mango Prima Deli cake I bought was cheaper and tastier...what luck. Well, next time I know who not to order from.
Here are the guests. Although not everyone turned up, it was still a good number of people. Here they are enjoying the food and just hanging around.

Haha. Here's both my brother and brother in law being snapped at the food table. Hehe...

Here's the kids running around the balloons...well I'm glad they had fun. I don't seem to have pic of the kids playing the games Danyya was conducting. Oh by the way, a million thanks Danyya, for helping out. You're a lifesaver. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as the kids did.

And last but not least, Atok's by now famous SpongeBob Squarepants piniata. The piniata took a while to give way. Theijes, Ayra's classmate finally managed a little hole. Roshan then tried to pull the string but to no avail. Haha. Finally, the kids just came forward and tore poor Spongbob apart with their bare hands. Haha. It was a riot! Seriously fun.

So that's about it... nothing grand but as long as my girl had fun, it's good enough.