So it's already Thursday. I have been school everyday since Tuesday. So there ends my one week "break". Indeed. I haven't even finished marking my prelim papers.
I have been quite resourceful at home though. We managed to clean up a bit of Ayra's room and I threw a lot of rubbish out of mine. An's working on the toilet but he has temporarily ceased work due to his strained arm which he sustained from the car accident. Yes, he crashed the car. The piece of crap metal is now stationary at the car park and that way it will stay till further notice. I will not elaborate.
Eh... what else? Oh, did I mention the jumbo flats we viewed last Saturday? Ewww. Not my cup of tea. They were big but somehow mutant like, dingy, dodgy, old and totally not to my liking. I think I'm giving up and gonna stay put where I am.
Also, I finally put my scattered brain together and thought of a plan for Fuddin. I'm glad to say my sight is clear and I now know what to do. I'm not perfect and I procrastinate all the time but this time, I'm proud to say I've been organized, focused and resourceful so kudos to me.
Looks like it's going to be a busy next few months... all the way to Dunearnite. With my health flailing ever so often, I wonder if I can see everything through. I will try but really, I can't promise the best quality of work. Being jaded is one thing, truly not having the energy to carry out a task is another.
Ok gotta go. If I don't reply to any of your sms or ignore your calls, it means I really want to be left alone. I'm not trying to be rude. It's just the way I am. I'll reply when I'm up to it. I think some of you know me well enough to understand this but for some others, Hey.... welcome to my world.
Ciao people of the world. I've got a Dunearnite rehearsal to conduct. God help me:)