I love my nightly talks with Ayra. Sometimes, when I'm too tired, I tend to make less of an effort but most of the time, it is a relaxing and meaningful way to end the day.
We talk about anything we want. Sometimes I take the opportunity to teach her some good moral values like filial piety and loyalty. At other times, we talk about God.
There was even once when we talked about death and when Granny found out, she wasn't very pleased. She thought I was being morbid. Ayra had asked her about what will happen when Ibu dies (although I had already explained to her) and Grandma was so upset that I had actually broached the subject with a four year old. For me, I'd rather be realistic. You never know when you will die and leave your loved ones, right? If it's fated for me to leave any time soon, I don't want my daughter to think that I chose to leave her but rather that it is my time to be with God.
Anyway, it's not always serious stuff that we talk about. Sometimes, we just want to be silly and we talk about why some people snore and others don't; why she can't marry Spiderman, why Ibu is a girl and Abah is a boy... you get the idea.
The nightly talks are also a good way to "gossip" about her friends at school. She will tell me what happened in school and we will talk about how she feels about a particular person or incident. Our talks can actually be intelectually stimulating (haha) but most of the time, it's just entertaining. It's also a great way to bond.
I pray our nightly talks will continue as long as it can.
My Blog; My Space. An Avenue for Me to Rant N Rave. It's about Life; My Life. It's not Perfect but I'll be Darned if I Don't Make the Best Out of It.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
So Much Work...
What a week. It's supposed to be the school holidays already but I'm working harder than ever. The Dunearnite musical I'm in chare of is stressing me up! Still, the kids are working hard so I'll just remain positive and hope everything will work out well. By the way, if anyone out there wants tickets, do look for me!

And for the many others who sent me birthday wishes, thank you so much. It's great to be remembered. And to Carol, we MISS and LOVE you! Always remember that gal!
I celebrated my birthday quietly. With my family.
The cast of Dunearnite gave me a surprise! Danyya baked this lovely cake and they brought it out while we were rehearsing. Thanks Guys! You people are great!
I must also thank Fiza and Nat for that accompanying me to the Singapore Eye Centre then treating me to a sumptuous high-tea at Carousel. The three of us have been going out and pigging out for the whole of last week.
And for the many others who sent me birthday wishes, thank you so much. It's great to be remembered. And to Carol, we MISS and LOVE you! Always remember that gal!
Anyway, here's a random pic of Fiza trying to drive a pick up van. It's a long story. The pic is for you Fiza dearie! Haha!
And here are some pics of my Ayra attending her best friend's (Megan) birthday party at Macs. Her annual school concert is this sunday and she's pretty excited about it. she's running a fever now though so I hope she gets better by then.
Ok that's it. Will post soon (I will try).
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A Milestone in My Life...
It's my birthday. Am I in a celebratory mood? Hardly. Rather in a reflective mood. What have I acheived? What more can I do? So here goes. My top 5 to do list before my next birthday.
1. Lose 5 kg
2. Do better in my job
3. Be a better mom, wife, daughter, friend, Muslim
4. Spend less, Save more
5. Be positive
So that's it. It will be done.
1. Lose 5 kg
2. Do better in my job
3. Be a better mom, wife, daughter, friend, Muslim
4. Spend less, Save more
5. Be positive
So that's it. It will be done.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Celebrating Aidilfitri

Ok, Hari Raya Aidilfitri came and went. While many other Muslims out there are still celebrating it (hard core), the tradition in our family is that it's pretty much over after 2 to 3 days.
Ayra's fever went away on the morning of Hari Raya (what a relief) but she had developed a bad cough and flu instead. She managed to pull through the day but she wasn't very well. Yet, she managed to pose quite nicely for all the photographs. Fuddin was in a slightly better mood than last year. He was actually quite sociable by his standards but when it came to posing for the camera, he just refused to keep still. Thus, that explains him squirming in most of the photographs. Still, it wasn't too bad on the whole. We met up, seeked forgiveness, ate good food and enjoyed each other's company.
Here's pics of the morning of Hari Raya. The house looks pretty good, doesn't it? I told you it'll be.
Then after An came back from his Hari Raya prayers, we went to his mom's place where the whole family gathered.
We went home at about noon. Then my sis and brother came over. They especially enjoyed the food mom prepared. Sometimes I worry about what will happen to our family once mom doesn't cook anymore. I CAN"T COOK! Anyway, let's not think about such unpleasant things. We decided to to take more photographs this year because last year, we didn't!
The we were off! We went to my Uncle's place and then to my Aunt's place at Woodlands. We came, we ate, we made a mess and we left. Haha. So typical. Fuddin was all right at first but he got sick of the hot and oversized "baju kurung" he was wearing so I decided to take off the shirt and "samping" and he was quite comfortable.
At night, An's family came over to eat but I was too dead tired to play photographer. They too, enjoyed the food and mom was pleased.
The next day, we went over to my sis and my brother's place. Ayra was eager to put on her pretty pink dress and I dressed my baby boy in his red, basketball get-up. Very un-Hari Raya like but my kids only have one suit of "baju kurung" each. Sad but true. We ate some more (can you believe it?) and basically just lazed around doing nothing.
On the 4th day of Hari Raya, I had to go back to work but Caroline and Hafizah came over to my place. We then brought my children to Fiza's place where dear Ayra and Fuddin were quite amazed to see a staircase in the house. Fuddin kept navigating himself up and down the stairs much to our horror but the boy was quite cool about it all, having total faith in his ability to balance himself.
Then at night, a neighbour "ambushed" our house which was understatedly, quite unexpected. Hmm, I won't say much but I've never been a friendly neighbour kind of person. While I welcome guests with open arms, I don't do the "I'll visit your place in return" kind of thing.
Oh, I almost forgot! We celebrated my darling husband's birthday on the 15th. It wasn't very grand or anything. We just had lunch at Secret Recipe at Vivo. We had the brownie as dessert to replace the customary cake. I've yet to get him a gift (I will soon). Anyway, Happy Birthday Honey! You know I loooove you!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hari Raya Descents on Us...
Okay, let me give everyone a warning though. This is going to be an extra long entry. Firstly because I haven't blogged for so long and secondly, I've got a lot to get off my chest.
Lets talk about the negative things first. The bad new... Ayra is sick! Two days before Ayra's long awaited day and my precious baby girl is sick. Her fever is still at 39 degree celsius plus and she threw up 3 times already. She's also got a blocked nose, a bad cough and a poor appetite. Sigh... The worst case scenario is that she doesn't get better by Saturday and horrors of horrors, Fuddin falls ill as well. That will mean staying at home the whole Hari Raya weekend. Yucks! Still, my fingers are crossed and all of us are praying hard that she gets well by then and Fuddin stays healthy.
Next, work sucks. Or rather, the people (some, not all) sucks. It seems my favorite line these past few days has been "I can't be F***ed". Why? Because that's the truth. I really can't be bothered. It has come to the point that I have nothing else to say but "I can't be F***ed". Sad? Pathetic? So unteacher like? Who the F*** cares?
Okay, now that's out of the way, let's focus on the positive. I haven't forgotten to count my blessings. Great friends, adorable children, helpful parents...the list goes on.
Anyway, me and my friends got into the spirit of Hari raya by baking Hari Raya cookies in the Home Econs kitchen la. Those of you who know me will gasp and say "You?! Bake?!" Haha. It's true! I even have photos to prove to those non believers.
Haha. not bad, huh?
As for the home, there's still so much to be done but I'm really too tired to do much. Who knows, I might be spurred on the stroke of midnight on Hari Raya Eve. Here's the preview pictures though. It doesn't look too good now but believe me, knowing my parents (clean freaks) and my hubby (interior decorater wannabe), my gut feeling tells me the house will look pretty good on the morning of the big day.
Now, updates on my two favorite people in the whole world! My babies. Ok, let's talk about Ayra. We bought her the toy guitar she asked for and she's been busy strumming it (will upload the video later). I wonder where her interest for the guitar stems from. Also, she's been progressing on her reading, spelling and writing. She did break down the other day though when I got mad at her for not being able to spell "violin". I should ease up, shouldn't I? Other than that, she's been her normal, talkative self, always eager to engage the old uncle (aka our block cleaner) in an intellectual conversation.
Then there's my "Little Dumpling" (as I so fondly refer to him now). Fuddin is still as cute (much to the delight of his legion of fans) but he has really developed a temper now. He pulls and shoves us around when he doesn't get what he wants. It's usually his crackers (haha). If you scrutinize the photographs, you will see him munching his much beloved wheel crackers intently in many of them. He's also lost weight. Can you believe that? I am proud to say that my dumpling is 20kg and not 21kg anymore. Haha. He has also grown taller and Ayra is only a head taller than him now. He looked really cute when I tried on his traditional baju kurung (complete with the "samping"). As soon as he had the baju kurung on, he ran to the front door, looking expectantly at us to put on his sandals. Hmm, like father, like son.
Ok, that's it. The next update will be my Hari Raya update. Stay tuned.
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