Here's the second installment to Fuddin's "I sleep wherever and whenever I please" series. It's a clearer shot than the previous one. I may seem mean as I'm prodding him to wake up but many people do not realize that once a child naps in the late afternoon, he or she will be awake till about 3am! Anyway, for your information. Fuddin did wake up about 10 minutes after this video was shot. How? I decided to make the best out of the situation and started to trim his hair! Fuddin hates his having his hair getting trimmed. He will scream as if he's going to be butchered! True enough, his senses warned him that something was not right and he promptly woke up and started wailing once he realized what was happening. In the end, I only managed to trim his hair on one side. So for a good two weeks, he was running around with uneven sideburns! Haha! Finally yesterday, his dear old grandparents couldn't take it any longer. They tag teamed and with one holding him down and the other doing the snipping, they managed to do quite a good job. I reached home to be pleasantly greeted by a short haired, smiling and oh-so-cute toddler!

My dear son... he never ceases to amaze me.