The kids are doing okay. Last night, Fuddin developed some rashes and started scratching like a baby chimp. His diaper are is also sore. I might bring him to the doctor later if it gets worst. Other than that, he's been a happy trooper, climbing everything in sight. He has refused to eat bread (his main staple) recently and this is worrying indeed. Now he's only left with milk, snacks and instant noodle! How unhealthily sad is that?!
Ayra had a frightful fall the other day. She fell on her face from the couch. Now, her nose is swollen. Also, if she still had her four front teeth, she would have lost them due to this fall. Grandma let out a scream so loud I still can hear ringing in my ears. I, on the other hand, was pretty calm and once Ayra was better, proceeded to lecture her on the dangers of perching oneself precariously at the edge of the couch. She seemed remorseful at that time but 30 minutes later, she was at the exact same spot, attempting the exact stunt. Urgh!
As for my dear Roshan, he's pretty obsessed with finding the perfectly priced, absolutely breathtaking furniture in Singapore! What we have realised these past few days is that most furniture salespeople are cheats! They quote you ridiculous prices and when you tell them someone quoted you the same furniture for about $400 less, they immediately pull the "I'll call my boss" line, promptly disappear into some obscure corner in the furniture laden showroom and appear approximately 2 minutes later, claiming that the boss will only let go at $300 less. Like WTH? It really pisses me off coz I can see through them so clearly. I then pretend to be the typical blur customer and put on this pained look (as if I'm actually thinking about their offer) and tell them that I'll think about it. As if. Are there no honest, not so greedy, furniture salesperson out there? Am I asking for the impossible?
Okay, enough about that. As for me, I'm doing okay. I'm at work now as I've got some work to do. I was so close to chopping off my long locks the other day but decided I didn't have the guts to do it (yet). I'm looking forward to cleaning my table and house. To sum up, my goals in life remains rather lame. The spirit is so willing to embark on new projects (and change the world) but the flesh is oh, so weak.
Enough talk, enjoy the recent photographs of the "I believe I can fly" duo.