It's been about a week since Hari Raya. Well, things have been hectic but allright. Fuddin didn't really enjoy himself (the photos are a testament to that) but I predict he will have a better time next year. Ayra was pretty happy and we have bought them toys using the money they collected on the day. All in all, it was a happy day, one we spent with the family.
My dear husband celebrated his 32nd birthday yesterday. We cut our Swenson's ice cream cake and opened the presents that Ayra and I got for him in a private ceremony (ie in our room)on Saturday night. Ayra helped to blow te candles out and she was pretty excited about the ice cream cake. Her dad was happy with the presents we got him and also the card which she made him. Then yesterday, we broke our fast at his sister's place and the whole gang was there. There was so much food but you know it's hard to stuff everything in when you haven't eaten anything for such a long time. I ended up quite stuffed but unsatisfied, wishing I could stuff in more food. Anyway, his sister bought him another Polar cake and he opened his presents. I think he enjoyed his birthday although it was quite low key and simple. Here's wishing my darling a good year ahead.
Ayra has always been terrified of injections. Actually, I've contributed to that also. When she doesn't want to eat for example, I will threaten her with a "If you don't eat, you will become ill and when you are ill, the doctor will have to give you an injection." She will then promptly eat her food but now, I'm paying for my mistake. I found out that a vaccination jab which I thought was optional (it's a booster jab) is actually compulsory. It was due when she was 18 months old! It is so overdue. All the jabs she had was when she was 15 months and below so bringing her to the doctor was not a problem. Now, she refuses to go. I had a little talk with her last night and she instantly broke into tears when she found out my intention. She started wailing and then pleading for me to get the idea out of my mind. I finally pacified her with "Let's not talk about this." What I plan to do though is to spring her a surprise one of these days. I am NOT looking forward to that day but what has to be done, must be done.
I was looking through some of the older videos I took of Ayra. This is a classic. Here's some father-daughter bonding at its best. Ayra looks really small here. How she's grown. Now she can't stop talking. Anyway, I don't think An will appreciate the fact that I've blogged this video but it's really cute and I couldn't pass the chance of showcasing both my darlings' impersonating talents.
Ayra has a thing for magic. She fancies herself a magician but she's so obvious it's hilarious. Still she is only 3 and a half. Anyway, here's a magic trick especially performed by "Houdini (not) Ayra". There's always hope she will improve in the future.
An and I bought the lights to be put up to create the "Hari Raya Aidilfitri" mood. As you can see, the kids are pretty fascinated by it. Soon we had it up and I have to admit, for a couple of amateurs, An and I did a pretty good job. Last year, Fuddin was only about 6 months old so there wasn't really much time to dress the house up but this year we 've repainted some of the walls, will be changing the couch cover, cleaning a lot more (heehee) and who can forget the lights? We've even bought matching "baju kurungs" which will only be revealed on Hari Raya itself.
For now though, we still have 3 weeks of fasting to go. Sometimes, I do marvel at the magic of the month of Ramadan. It is quite unbelievable how I and millions of Muslims around the world can go without any food or drinks for about 14 hours each day for a whole month! Quite amazing isn't it? I'm already training Ayra. She's not allowed to eat or drink anything from 6pm till 7pm and then she breaks her "fast" with us. It makes her feel important and prepares her for what she has to do eventually. Adik also breaks his "fast" with us too. The truth is, i have to give him food to occupy himself while I break my fast, if not, I won't be able to eat in peace.